It always seems that people who bring nothing to the table take the most from it..
When St Genesius, the patron saint of actors, refused to act in a Roman play that ridiculed Christianity, the legend goes, the producers executed him….
I am quite surprised, that with all my work, and some of it is very, very good, that nobody talks about The Miracle Worker. We're talking about Mrs. ….
The gentle art of gastronomy is a friendly one. It hurdles the language barrier, makes friends among civilized people, and warms the heart..
Thank you, but diamonds break easier than gold and people shine more through brokenness..
It's a dialogue, not a monologue, and some people don't understand that. Social media is more like a telephone than a television..
Above all, those to whom the care of young minds has been entrusted should see to it that they respect both the smallest and largest animals as being….
I directed the men in our barque to approach near the savages, and hold their arms in readiness to do their duty in case they notice any movement of ….
War - after all, what is it that the people get? Why-widows, taxes, wooden legs and debt..
You'll get unsociable people whatever the nationality, colour, race or creed. I guess the British abroad have probably got the worst record of anyone..
The American people ask, and legitimately so, why should we carry the heavy burden to ensure international peace and stability. You also profit from ….
In the future, I just think that as far as when it comes to me and my music, I'm trying to help be the catalyst for whatever is going to inspire more….
No regrets, it's always moving forward and feeling like I did the right things for the right reasons. It's good music with good people, that's what I….
Reason #7 For Not Getting a Tattoo: People will know you are running your own life, instead of listening to them!.
I'm lucky that people feel comfortable sharing things with me..
You can do a good movie, or you can do a good movie that can help people to feel the idea of what it is like to live. It can be good in an artificial….
Formerly, people used to grieve over the departed, but in our days they grieve over the survivors..
By regulating marijuana, we can put black market drug dealers out of business and eliminate the rebellious allure that attracts young people..
At the end of the day, New Yorkers need a mayor who understands the problems they face, brings a smart plan and good people to the table, and, more t….
There's nothing better for hosting a show than a bunch of people daytime-whiskey drunk..
In the end the privatisation of war is not acceptable. We shouldn't be issuing these sub-contracts to these contracting companies because the people ….