Love was not something that people married for generally in those days. They married for security. They married for economic reasons, you know, compa….
This is the kind of situation that can tear people apart. It tears at the fabric of your soul and can certainly tear at your marriage and ours has go….
I was not a Mouseketeer, but a lot of people think I was..
I have heard people say that they drink to forget their sorrows but the more I drink the more sorrows I collect.
Those of us placed in a position of leadership must be prepared to grasp the nettle if we unite in doing so, and if, in addition, we set a worthy exa….
These are the days of bootleg love..
I'm against very wealthy people attempting to or influencing elections. But as long as it's doable I'm going to do it..
Wealth comes from the production and exchange of goods and services. If someone efficiently produces a good that many people willingly trade their ….
Those who create the wealth naturally want to keep it and devote it to their own purposes. Those who wish to expropriate it look for ever more-cleve….
We think of prices as simply the notation of how much we must pay for things. But the price system accomplishes far more than that. Hundreds of milli….
You don't have the power to make rainbows or waterfalls, sunsets or roses, but you do have the power to bless people by your words and smiles You car….
When you're righteous, you don't have to tell people that you're righteous..
If I could have one superpower, I'd want to have the power of mind over matter. I'd want to be able to move things and people with my mind..
Medicine's good for some people. Not for me..
I think preparing food and feeding people brings nourishment not only to our bodies but to our spirits. Feeding people is a way of loving them, in th….
Friendship is an opportunity to act on God's behalf in the lives of the people that we're close to, reminding each other who God is..
...what I can do is offer myself, wholehearted and present, to walk with the people I love through the fear and the mess. That's all any of us can do….
Usually the threat of death makes people a lot more aware of their lives..
I'm big on the importance of science, particularly right now at this point in time when there's sort of a systematic rejection of science by a lot of….
Newspaper reporting is really storytelling. We call our articles 'stories,' and we try to tell them in a way that even people who don't know all the ….
If people are rude in Moscow, at least it's in Russian..