I work best when people are here to puncture me.
I love working with smart-funny people..
The Macintosh uses an experimental pointing device called a 'mouse.' There is no evidence that people want to use these things..
I am a firm believer that you need a well-defined leadership role to deal with unexpected and non-linear side effects of people working together. You….
Make a faster machine and people will flock to inefficient software..
In the music business, we all do different things, but we sit there and admire other people who can write a song differently or sing differently. It'….
one doesn't really grow older; it's just that other people grow younger..
I like playing flawed characters, people who aren't perfect..
This is all new to me, these re-releases. I don't know how these things do. I don't know if it will be people who saw it originally or young people.
While I was doing these plays in the beginning, I wasn't getting paid. I thought of it more as a hobby. Then I realized how seriously a lot of these ….
I don't know why you people [the press] like to compare me to Marilyn or that girl, what's her name, Kim Novak. Cleavage, of course, helped me a lot ….
"People can't die, along the coast," said Mr. Peggotty, "except when the tide's pretty nigh out. They can't be born, unless it's pretty nigh in - not….
Some people want to advertise their weirdness, and spread it out, that's not me..
Davy once asked me if I thought it was better to be a has-been than a never was, but maybe it doesn't make much of a difference. In the end, people a….
I always prefer other people's interpretations over my own, so I'm not very quick to make explicit what exactly a song or record is about..
I know at least two people who have never been killed by hippos..
The police belongs to the people and the people belong to the police..
A good journalist is not the one that writes what people say, but the one that writes what he is supposed to write..
In films, people sometimes forget and concentrate on the fight itself, which is great, but the 15 minutes that come beforehand are equally as breatht….
My theory is that nine times out of ten, if there's a depression, more a social depression than anything, it brings out the best art in black people.….
Don't fret, boy. I'm not so foolish as to ridicule the myths and legends of other people. For countless generations, people, no matter where they're ….