This business can be very frustrating but there is success story after success story of people who take the bull by the horns. Actors who are frustra….
I'm just different. There are a handful of different types of genre of music that I would love to just jump into and people don't realize that I'm re….
There's the paradox of making pop music when you're in your 50s. People weren't meant to be doing that originally and yet they are. Mick Jagger [used….
I've got the new single "Close". We got the second single "Dance" we're going to follow up with. We're just making sure we make quality music the wor….
Every time I meet the CEO of a record label I tell them how they did it in the seventies because they want to know. I tell them, "Sign a hundred peop….
Marc Bolan had inspired so many people to pick up a guitar and join a band..
I like to put a single photograph in different contexts, to see how it takes on other meanings, how being locked in a new dialogue exposes another po….
I'd like the photographs to potentially be meaningful to a wide range of people. They do not grow out of the reportage mode, this was always clear to….
Initially I borrowed the word "perverse" for my works from Roland Barthes, meaning pleasure-driven and not geared to inform or promote a service or a….
There is no other city as vulgar and obscene as Osaka. We should celebrate the image and welcome the development of casinos and red-light districts t….
History is no longer just a chronicle of kings and statesmen, of people who wielded power, but of ordinary women and men engaged in manifold tasks. W….
I love lyrics. I've always been averse to the straight lyric idea. I guess a big part of it is, that songs that are literary always turn me off. Beca….
The best explanation why people agree is that they have converged on true answers..
The democratic thought is based on that 'ordinary people' are suitable to rule themselves..
I'm not an endings person. I don't do endings. There may have been people in the band who wanted this to be an ending from time to time, but me and A….
I want people to dance. I want people to feel good. You went to work, you feel bad - come here, feel good, dance. Don't leave the club feeling worse ….
I don't like saying goodbye to people. I find it much easier to forgive people than to say goodbye to them, I always have, in any facet of my life. I….
We became a band that was kind of a big band, kind of a band that quite uncool people listen to, people a lot like me. I've realized that's a much mo….
People are terrible. They do terrible things to each other, they hurt each other, they lie, they're vain, they're shallow, they're violent ... but th….
Getting up on stage and being able to make people feel like their lives are slightly more special than they realize is my only talent, so that's what….
The religious situation of our people is very unstable. This is because of the lack of religious teachers and other dedicated people. As a result Fij….