Those that regularly come into contact with people having diverse interests and viewpoints are more likely to come up with innovative ideas..
Qmail out of the box works fine, so people will want to use it regardless of licensing restrictions, even when the software does not ship with their ….
I feel there’s an existential angst among young people. I didn’t have that. They see enormous mountains, where I only saw one little hill to climb..
Society is well governed when its people obey the magistrates, and the magistrates obey the law..
I really respect peple who try. People who say, No, I'm actually going to do the best I can. That said, you want to do the best you can while remaini….
Pick something you are interested in, and keep applying a business model that includes Internet Marketing to make it global, get thousands of leads a….
I tried out for another show while I was in college so I could pay off my student loans, and it sort of led to The Real World. The same people that w….
Photographs force us to see people before their future weighed them down, before they knew their endings..
I always tell people that, if you feel like you're portraying a character really well, you're not acting. If you can reach that point where you don't….
Flourishing goes beyond happiness, or satisfaction with life. True, people who flourish are happy. But that's not the half of it. Beyond feeling good….
I always recommend people read nutrition labels so they know, for instance, how much fiber they're getting..
Cambridge is heaven, I am convinced it is the nicest place in the world to live. As you walk round, most people look incredibly bright, as if they ar….
God bless Africa, Guard her people, Guide her leaders, And give her peace..
Under the old system - which is now so archaic that a lot of people can't remember it - if you wanted money you had to go to the bank and take the mo….
If people want insights, if they want to swim in the currents of their own time and share the experiences of their time, then it makes sense to engag….
Christmas is not only where you find it; it's what you make of it..
I try to keep away from being big-headed. That's what causes people to lose the acting thing. They start being commercial, and then they stink for th….
I say God is kind. So many people want to do what I do [comedy] for a living, and so he didn't have to choose me. So I don't take all the credit, but….
I love Daredevil. I thought it was enjoyable. Okay? There were critical issues with it, and that's why I wear black, some people wear red - we are en….
I can read people, and if the other person doesn't want to say anything, I'm fine with that. People say things when it's time to say them..
People love to get scared. People want to see the worst thing that can happen..