When we travel with a sense of mission, we attract events, people and opportunities toward us..
I still write in literary Arabic but I try to rid it of the rhetoric, the symbolism, and the stuff that ordinary people don't understand..
Unfortunately there are still people in other areas who regard New York City not as part of the United States, but as a sort of excrescence fastened ….
I raise my stein to the builder who can remove ghettos without removing people as I hail the chef who can make omelets without breaking eggs..
your soul needs to be lonely so that its strangest elements can moil about, curl and growl and jump, fail and get triumphant, all inside you. Sociabl….
People without clear vision are easily distracted, have a tendency to drift from one idea to another and often make foolish decisions that rob them o….
I'm very curious about people, and one of the most difficult truths for me to accept as a person is that I'll never be anyone else, and I will never ….
I love to go into the studio on days when I'm not even doing anything. It's like my senior club. Some people go to senior centers, well I go to my se….
The things we do today - sowing seeds, or sharing simple truths of Christ - people will someday refer to as the first things that prompted them to th….
We give people fish. We teach them to fish. We tear down the walls that have been built up around the fish pond. And we figure out who polluted it..
...love must be regarded as one of the religious and dangerous experiences, because it lifts people out of the arms of reason and sets them afloat wi….
Why was love so easy for some people and so hard for others?.
True' and 'false' are the evasions of people who never want to arrive at a decision. Truth is something without end..
Compared to people in Africa, I think we've all had privileged upbringings..
I have great friends. That's key for me for: surrounding myself with people who are supportive and kind..
I had to sit in front of all these people, and act like I knew what I was doing. I faked my way through it pretty well..
These 'Sports Illustrated' people, they know how to hold a secret..
Today, of course, the world's perception of India has changed tremendously. People understand its role in world affairs; they understand that India i….
If people associate me with a region, that's fine with me..
They've never written a love story for me since I've been on the show and I think there's just more weight to it when two people love each other..
The Bible stresses that a marriage ideally should be a picture or a reflection of Christ's love for His people..