Sometimes the mere connection we make with each other can change people's lives. It doesn't have to be something big. The mere fact that you're inter….
I'd like to talk about free markets. Information in the computer age is the last genuine free market left on earth except those free markets where in….
'Indian policy' has now been brought down upon the American people, and the American people are the new Indians of the 21st Century..
If you think your job requires you to endanger people, get another job..
Indian people are relics; we do not exist in the present..
I read a recent statistic that eighty-seven percent of women are dissatisfied with themselves, and over forty-seven percent of men. My work is visu-m….
The hats of all eras thrill me. People don't wear them anymore. So when you see an outfit completed by a hat (that's for men too) it's thrilling. Esp….
You collaborate with actors who are also talented and visionary and come together on a artistic direction within the confines of humanity and realism….
So when it was my turn to start developing projects, I knew the writers I wanted to work with, and I had met every head of studio, every executive an….
Culture isn't all just about what can be tweaked and twitched in the simplest possible way. As people move around, they literally don't see what's ar….
When I first raised the issue of the so-called Islamic State at the Munich Security Conference in February, speaking about its economy, its flexibili….
People are moving faster - you can see that in the streets. Partly that's because of the electronic devices, which encourage this..
To become indignant at [people's] conduct is as foolish as to be angry with a stone because it rolls into your path. And with many people the wisest ….
People don't ask for facts in making up their minds. They would rather have one good, soul - satisfying emotion than a dozen facts..
The next time someone tells you we can trim the budget by cutting aid, I hope you will ask whether it will come at the cost of more people dying..
Some people bring joy wherever they go, and some people bring joy whenever they go..
Because the idea of zombies seems to make sense, and seems to, in a certain sense, be possible, I think one can use that to argue against the thesis ….
When all else fails to organize the people, conditions will..
I knew Arizona's SB 1070 would be controversial when I introduced it, but I did not expect the national immigration debate to revolve around a state ….
I'm proud of being a vaudevillian, the last of my line. A lot of people think my entertainment is candy-floss. Well, entertainment is too aggressive ….
Social media is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechan….