People tend to shrink with age, especially after age 50 or so. It has to do with spaces between the joints amount of cartilage and posture. Bone leng….
The BBC is part of the glue which binds the United Kingdom together. At those times of national moment - of joy or sadness, in the UK or around the w….
As most people know, I am a vampire, so I have no reflection. Every day, I paste a picture of someone else on the mirror..
The Palestinian issue is a national, political issue. It's not to be seen as an economic issue that would be solved or addressed by some economic app….
We are a people with no army, no navy, no air force, no arms. It's people, thousands of people, who are feeling, sensing the sense of urgency, fearin….
Taller people tend to earn more on average, although the effect is modest. This is clearly true in occupations where strength is important but also a….
Most people think of themselves as individuals, that there's no one on the planet like them. This thought motivates them to get out of bed, eat food ….
Mrs. Parks was a shy, soft spoken woman who was uncomfortable being revered as a symbol of the civil rights movement. She only hoped to inspire young….
Broke up created a every circumstance because a family gets blown apart. We all know what that does to a child. We all know what that doe….
Our modern world-view tragically misperceives and wrongly defines what it is to be human. We are conditioned by our society to believe happiness come….
I don't like it when people don't act on their words..
Good people will do good things, lots of them, because they are good people. They will do bad things because they are human..
I'm hoping maybe people like working with me because I like what I do for a living and I want to have a good time..
I once said that it was unacceptable for Japan to remain "an isolated prosperous island." At one time, it might have been all right for Japan to avoi….
I wish to call on you to join hands in the building of a world in which less people will be forced to flee, and in which refugees are protected until….
It's well we cannot hear the screams we make in other people's dreams..
Two people working on a relationship with the same energy & passion increases the chances of great results..
There's a reason why very few people listen to Catholic radio, very few people watch Catholic TV. It's because there's no quality to it and so it's l….
Did money give people a blind spot? Rob them of their hearing?.
I cannot believe there is caste system in society; I cannot believe people are judged on the basis of their prosperity..
A stellar, fully-realized collection of stories... grounded, wonderfully, in the river valleys of western Maine. You come away not only understanding….