Leadership is the art of invoking wisdom and right action out of the people needed to accomplish the goal..
Solitude does not consist in living alone; it consists in living with others, with people who take no interest in you..
If you loved people, you might hurt them, dissapoint them, anger them, but you never, ever, dishonored them..
I feel now it's useless to keep hoping. The way things are today, we live in a world that needs laughter, and I've decided if I can make people laugh….
People adjust their behavior to fit the society they live in. They integrate because they have to. But what they are on the inside doesn't change..
I don't understand why people don't remember my name..
You have to be able to appreciate these things. How many people can say it was a full moon last night and appreciate it?.
Being a manager is about getting into the minds of the people you represent..
If all you did to improve your commercial presence was to train your sales people on the importance of influencers ... how much more effective could ….
We have our own internal version of Klout. We do rate people in this way - their effectiveness on social media. Tying social into a performance measu….
Security is a big concern on the social web. People are going to try to destroy social media just like they are trying to breach data in other areas..
I can't picture people talking about me 50 years from now..
We saw people sleeping in homeless encampments in Napa Valley and Sonoma. Horrific ones in Watsonville. It's different because you're looking at home….
Being an artist, it's always tempting to measure success through other people's eyes, be they critics, journalists or audiences..
I've learned that success comes in a very prickly package. Whether you choose to accept it or not is up to you. It's what you choose to do with it, t….
People care about people who care about themselves..
What you think of a name depends so much on the people you know by that name..
The sad thing is many people learn how to manage money after they've made a lot of financial mistakes, some that take decades to fix..
Just having medicine isn't equivalent to medical care. You need the health systems, you need to create the social framework so that people feel safe..
When you write about people three dimensionally, it inspires a sense of empathy. That would be something that I want people to take away from all my ….
I'm afraid when too many people know too much about you, it actually makes us all a lot more boring because you're afraid to express yourself..