There's nothing to mourn about death any more than there is to mourn about the growing of a flower. What is terrible is not death but the lives peopl….
People are always casting me for what they call my 'authority..
People say that if you don't love America, then get the hell out. Well, I love America..
You should never step outside of your life and look at it like it’s this malleable thing you can shape so that people view it a certain way..
You can now share your story anonymously much more easily than you could earlier and you can watch people have conversations about it. And when peopl….
Western people often see obscenity where there is only symbolism..
There are two things in ordinary conversation which ordinary people dislike - information and wit.
My work from the last 25 years has been asking people to see differently..
One puts on black robes to scare the hell out of white people, while the other puts on white robes to scare the hell out of blacks..
In The Federalist, James Madison called the rage for equality 'a wicked project.' People differ and rewards differ-that's the essence of both liberty….
My background is in math and science, and I thrive on complexity, and I think lots of people do. People love puzzles; it's human nature to want to so….
People have a way of thinking that everything is finished when the very best of all may yet be in store..
Things are as bad as you fear they are. People are as bad as you think they are. The Universe does not care..
throughout human history people have scarred, painted, pierced, padded, stiffened, plucked, and buffed their bodies in the name of beauty..
Photography is a way of introducing people to other people..
A people among whom custom is altogether sovereign endures the despotism of the dead..
Don't we have to respond to people who don't seem normal to us? Will my child grow up able to accept that not everyone looks the same?.
I wonder if this is how people always get close: They heal each other's wounds; they repair the broken skin..
Great love isn't two people finding the perfect match in one another. Great love is two people making the choice to be a match..
When I was setting out to be an artist, I said: If I can just produce one work that some people think is good, if I can become an obscure cult artist….
I will sell Chiropractic, serve Chiropractic, and save Chiropractic if it will take me twenty lifetimes to do it. I will promote it within the law, w….