We're only here for one reason: to wake up... To realize yourself doesn't mean you are perfect as a human being. It means you are willing to bear the….
We're not going to have a perfect batting average and it's important that Americans understand that..
Yes, I know," "And I love to hear you say it, Louis. I need to hear you say it. I don't think anyone will ever say it quite like you do. Come on, say….
But sometimes imperfect tools lead us toward perfect ends..
God's timing is always perfect. Trust His delays. He's got you..
She had nothing to wish otherwise, but that the days did not pass so swiftly. It was a delightful visit;-perfect, in being much too short..
It works better if your lead character is complex and interesting and not perfect..
If there's a perfect family out there, we're all happy for that family. But most families aren't perfect. Most families are living with some sort of ….
He was too perfect, despite being one of the most imperfect people I knew..
I was feeling a strong need to change, grow, and break with particular things that were going on in my life and my history, and the material was the ….
Music didn't really hit me again until the '90s, when the dancehall scene got going. The '90s were perfect for me. I would have really liked to have ….
Remember, there is no perfect time for anything. There is only now..
Perfect happiness is the absence of striving for happiness..
I admire pop songs that are perfect at three minutes..
It’s always surprising to me how many young women think they have to be perfect. I rarely meet a young man who doesn’t think he already is..
Peter Geye has rendered the Minnesota north shore in all its stark, dangerous beauty, and it is the perfect backdrop for this deeply moving story of ….
I have long since decided if you wait for the perfect time to write, you'll never write. There is no time that isn't flawed somehow..
[On his 83rd birthday] Physical condition or advancing of age are not obstacles to a perfect life. God does not look at external things but at the so….
Why should we desire the destruction of human passions? Take passions from human beings and what is left? The great object should be not to destroy p….
Every religion, in my opinion, has something to bring, and I think we all learn from everyone that there's no right, perfect way to look at something..
Death is only perfect rest..