When I’m photographing I see life..
History works itself out in the living..
I am at my best when I am scoring..
I love Rihanna. She's such a beauty!.
Money equals freedom..
I am no one to be a purist..
I don't like Kublai Khan, let's just kill him off!.
You've got to hit 30 before you hit 40..
Only by fully experiencing fear, can you ever hope to control it..
I'd rather make music than tour..
Saying the words that come from knowledge is no sign of having it..
I have a family to feed..
I started off wanting very much to be a newscaster..
I don't like anything new..
Having your health is having everything in life..
What we choose, changes us. What we love, transforms us..
But the God of the Bible is not only One, but the only possible One..
In your 20s, you learn. In your 30s, you earn..
I even watched Mulholland Drive in French... it didn't make much more sense in French, but I have to say, it didn't make any less sense either..
You got to be right with yourself before you can be right with anybody else..
Evie-you-GAH!" Lend shouted, and I looked up at him, surprised..