You can’t have wasted a life you’ve barely lived..
I'm a draftsperson. And also, I really respond to love..
You can't finish the things you weren't supposed to start..
There is no one lonelier than God!.
Where I create, there I am true..
Can you keep up with the lingo.
The disciplined are free..
Right now, we happen to be in a general period of regression, not just in education. A lot of what's happening is sort of backlash to the 60s; the 60….
Strengthen in us, O God, the work You have begun in us..
It's terrifying to have a voice right now. It's so terrifying, and it's so essential..
I have always loved music..
Every thing is changing every minute..
A photographer without imagination is not a good photographer..
The unconscious obsession that we photographers have is that wherever we go we want to find the theme that we carry inside ourselves..
I just find something to learn in everything..
We are what we do, especially what we do to change what we are..
I don't buy stocks, I make stocks..
Every picture of you is when you were younger..
I'm an unpure purist, something like that..
Let's go back, back to the Beginning..
Freedom always comes with a price..