I never divide photographers into creative and uncreative, I just call them photographers. Who is creative? How do you know who is creative or not?.
If I could be said to have any kind of aesthetic, it's sort of a magpie aesthetic - I just go and pick up whatever is around. If you think about it, ….
I don't get wrapped up in technique and the like..
There's always a time in any series of work where you get to a certain point and your work is going steadily and each picture is better than the next….
If it doesn’t have ambiguity, don’t bother to take it. I love that, that aspect of photography - the mendacity of photography. It’s got to have some ….
Every image is in some way a “portrait,” not in the way that it would reproduce the traits of a person, but in that it pulls and draws (this is the s….
Essentially what photography is is life lit up..
Everywhere I look and most of the time I look, I see photographs..
While we cannot describe its appearance (the equivalent), we can define its function. When a photograph functions as an Equivalent we can say that at….
A photographer is responsible for creating a climate in which they can do their best work..
I hope to be a producer, a musician, a painter, a photographer - I'm going to push myself to do as many things as I can and see where it goes..
My idea was that if I took a picture of somebody and years later, or whenever, they would die and if someone wanted to know who this person was, they….
I never claim my photographs reveal some definitive truth. I claim that this is what I saw and felt about the subject at the time the pictures were m….
I laughed at the whole Cannes Film Festival thing because it didn't feel real. I remember getting off the red-eye when I arrived in France. I had a c….
Photography is truth..
I don't work with inspiration. Inspiration is for amateurs. I just get to work..
I didn't have any interest in traditional art..
I have the same themes over and over again. How I'm saying it keeps changing or growing..
The way I see it, as soon as I make a piece I’ve lost control of it..
All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself..
Forget about the profession of being a photographer. First be a photographer and maybe the profession will come after..