The horizon has been defeated by the pirates of the new age..
I've been on top longer and I am younger. I'm just better..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
I prefer true over happy now..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
May we all co-operate and join this war on pirates..
. . . Jess believed, that she thought he was the best. It was not the kind of best that counted either at school or at home, but it was a genuine kin….
I don't think you see a pirate with a parrot on his shoulder, for example. And even with the accents..
What can go wrong will go wrong..
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
In politics and in trade, bruisers and pirates are of better promise than talkers and clerks..
Even a woman who has the soul of a pirate, at least pirate morals, even a woman who prefer loneliness to the bickerings and constraints of heterosexu….
I've lived my life again just telling it to you..
I make movies for money, exclusively for money..
I have become interested in languages which I cannot make up, which I cannot create or even create in: I have become interested in languages which I ….
They treat me like a fox, a cunning fellow (Schlaukopf) of the first rank. But the truth is that with a gentleman I am always a gentleman and a half,….
Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarters, or take any from you..
Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then, always be a unicorn..
My gentleman gives the law where he is; he will outpray saints in chapel, outgeneral veterans in the field, and outshine all courtesy in the hall. He….
You're either my ship's cook-and then you were treated handsome-or Cap'n Silver, a common mutineer and pirate, and then you can go hang!.
Clare seems so pleased with the idea of me as a pirate that she forgets that I am Stranger Danger..