You've got to get good habits of working hard so that when that play comes up during the regular season that you're able to complete it and do it the….
I don't feel right unless I have a sport to play or at least a way to work up a sweat..
A woman can be in charge!.
You can't do any better than your best..
I am interested in doing something that cannot be explained..
We could have had it all....
I take things too seriously..
I only have control over what I do..
I find it satisfying and intellectually stimulating to work with the intensity, brevity, balance and word play of the short story..
The essence of Keynesianism is its complete failure to conceive the role that saving and capital accumulation play in the improvement of economic con….
Everything is dead while it lives..
To play well you have to have good balance in your life. Tiger has found that. If you play golf long enough you'll learn that life is more than golf..
I go into a movie sort of saying what it's not going to be..
No one will ever accuse James Carville of taking himself seriously..
Money equals freedom..
The roots of art and play lie very close together..
In The Police, in a trio situation - which I've come back to now - it's just so wide open that it does actually provide this arena where you can play….
I count it an honor to play with some guys that I've watched play on television, and may be in the Hall of Fame some day..
I wanted to play for the New York Yankees. That was the bottom line. I wanted to be there and play in that new stadium..
I learned a lot about 3D animation from and with my dear friend Michael Hemschoot of Workerstudio. Taught me that I want to play more with animation ….
I work out, I play sports, I go to concerts..