I'm left handed and I'm playing a right handed kit... That's why everyone thought, 'Wow, he's a genius,' but all I was doing was trying to play backw….
I'm just looking to get through the day..
If I could spend the rest of my life inside one movie it would be The Godfather, because it's the greatest movie ever made..
But once you describe something, you destroy it..
I don't do live things..
Often we will learn more from our failures than we do from our successes..
Unless I am a part of everything I am nothing..
Some things go slow, slow, slow, and then - wham! - they're over..
There is nothing inherently wrong about science..
No matter how much you sit there twiddling, going, 'We're all doomed', at the end of the day people will always want to hear you play Creep. Get over….
I improve in misquotation..
How can I govern others, who can't even govern myself?.
Quite low down in the list is "How much am I going to be paid?"... my main feeling about money is that I don`t want to feel as though I`m being taken….
You're never too old for anything!.
When we open ourselves you yourself to me and I myself to you, when we submerge you into me and I into you when we vanish into me you and into you I ….
Faith engenders courage; and also requires it..
I am not a Frenchie, I'm a Belgie!.
Hitting is mostly confidence. I just go out and play and that's the best you can ask for..
The older you get the more you understand what you're doing.
Any work of art represents a series of conscious choices on the part of the artist - what color to paint, what note to play, what word to use - in th….
I like to be around things that I find inspiring..