Work is my recreation, The play of faculty; a delight like that Which a bird feels in flying, or a fish In darting through the water,--Nothing more..
But I shall hear without pain, that I play the courtier very ill, and talk of that which I do not well understand..
Grind it out. Hanging on just one second longer than your competition makes you the winner. If you can't win, make the fellow ahead of you break the ….
The mile has a classic symmetry....It's a play in four acts..
It is already clear that, because of advances in technology, drones are going to play an increased role in warfare in the years ahead. It is therefor….
Death metal uses a lot of white face paint and black hair dye to make its point. I quite enjoy this genre for its intensity, extremism and underlying….
I'll never worry about not being successful. I'll just take it one day at a time, one season at a time. And play as hard as I can..
Cable is not a robot. The metal in his body is actually organic tissue. Ed and I have talked about this a lot. We liken it to a cancer that changes y….
Manners are manners. Jimmy Connors and Ilie Nastase have no respect. I don't want my kid seeing Nastase play. The demeanor you show on the court is i….
An hour of play is worth a lifetime of conversation..
And yet the artist will go on with his work without knowing in some way if any of his representations are sound or unsound. The artist knows nothing ….
Being a professional woman, I function the best when I don't distinguish between work and play..
One of the few things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Do not hoard what seems go….
Malina looked incredulous. "Are you anything more than a Druid?" "Of course I am. I own this shop and I play a mean game of chess, and I've been told….
I don't know how to play easy..
It was very unusual for a boy to play tennis in my country..
I don't like television when it gets near to photographed plays..
Art is a game. Too bad for him who makes a duty of it..
At the end of the process we called a market research company to find out whom the film was for or what was the target audience. We didn't have a lot….
I want to be known as a solid all-around receiver thats fast, not a fast guy that plays receiver..
We are here to abet creation and to witness to it, to notice each other's beautiful face and complex nature so that creation need not play to an empt….