I play to all people, and I play to people not governments, and I believe strongly that all people are peaceful and would want peace..
[Sunbathing nude] was a liberating experience. It felt unbelievably crazy to take off all my clothes and play in the sun. I've not had that much fun ….
There's so much to learn! And just when we think, "I've got it. I really understand what's going on," we're shown a whole new stage set on which to p….
It's fun to play happy people..
Growing up with two sisters, you either play by yourself or play Barbie with them. I played by myself..
I'm no different than others with cancer. I just happen to play professional baseball. I'm part of those statistics that cancer has touched as well..
I wanted to play the Apollo Theater because I didn't think I was going to be on the earth long..
I want to play an action hero. I'm ready for roles that totally aren't me..
I'm not someone who plays a part for the press junket..
Oh God, the terrible tyranny of the majority. We all have our harps to play. And it's up to you to know with which ear you'll listen..
We have 51 golf courses in Palm Springs. He [President Ford] never decides which course he will play until after the first tee shot..
In my life and in my career, I really love to play different roles. I never want to play the same role twice..
We must nevertheless present all possible interpretations for each observation, so that competing theories can be formulated and defended. In science….
If you go to Japan for instance, you should know that they have a different way of playing Beethoven or Brahms. But if you play with them Mozart, Deb….
The devil ain't got no power over me. The devil come, and me shake hands with the devil. Devil have his part to play. Devil's a good friend, too... b….
I consider myself to be a genius who happens to play chess..
Jesus never told His friends to play it safe..
I can't sit through plays and musical theatre. I just want to run up onstage and mess up their hair and turn over the furniture..
The only thing I have never done is a Broadway play. I'm not sure I have the discipline necessary to do a Broadway play. I know it holds a fascinatio….
Final-offer arbitration should have great appeal for the daring (the risk seekers) who play against the timid (the risk avoiders)..
I've realised that when I don't play people who are complex I get very, very bored, and then lazy, and end up being rubbish..