But before any of the small appliances who may be listening to this tale should begin to think that they might do the same thing, let them be warned:….
I can't say that electronic gear is restrictive. I think it is a challenge to play with electronic gear, and I regularly [perform] concerts with guys….
The big thing in my family growing up is that everybody had to play a musical instrument. We were like the von Trapps..
I play a nobody in Japan..
As the growing emphasis on feelings crowds out reason, facts will play a smaller role in public discourse..
My first thought about acting, growing up here in New York, was theater, and I feel like I need to force myself to go get my ass kicked in a rehearsa….
Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play! No sense have they of ills to come nor care beyond today..
I really didn't like Batgirl. I was like, "No, if I'm not gonna be Batman, I'm not gonna play." Maybe they could write an evil female super villain w….
It's a lot of things that play into having a good sneaker store. That's why I never jumped into that field. If I open one, it's going to be a lot of ….
You basically have to play everything (in New Orleans), because you're getting calls to play gigs of all different styles, from classical to R&B to f….
Cape Town's beaches are superb and while the water on the Atlantic side is damn cold, it's very pleasant on the other side. Bring your golf clubs if ….
I try to interpret how people subjectively experience life. Everyone has a great, horrible opera inside him. I feel that my plays, in a way, are very….
I think I enjoyed witnessing Robin [Williams] and John play off each other really well, even just joking around in between takes and stuff. I just go….
You don't want to shock them and do something totally opposite, but you also want to play a different character..
Well, it was very interesting to play a character and stretch it over such a long time - 12 episodes. I had never done a TV show before, so week to w….
I want to play a man in uniform. I've got tremendous respect for that life that they lead. We know so little about it. It's never discussed or talked….
A lot of times when people listen to music it's because they feel down, and that's when serious hip-hop comes into play. When times is hard, people c….
It's not that fun to just play a villain, without any reasoning behind it..
Different scenes call for different acting styles. The kinds of scenes I like most are the ones where you just bury yourself in there. So I wouldn't ….
One of the differences between now and then is that the idea of body image is a much bigger issue now. Back then, just being kind of heavy and barrel….
This [climate change] is potentially so dangerous that we have to act strongly. Do we want to play Russian roulette with two bullets or one?.