Only by fully experiencing fear, can you ever hope to control it..
I would love to do something with Coldplay..
Poets are mysterious, but a poet when all is said is not much more mysterious than a banker..
You have to learn to hallucinate..
We need a safe place, a reserve of truth, a place where words kindle ideas and set ideas sparking off in others, a word sanctuary. Poetry is this gat….
Live in the precious present..
I would have to find something else to bury here and I wished it could be Charles..
Poetry is the morning dream of great minds..
Pain is filtered in a poem so that it becomes finally, in the end, pleasure..
The great poem must have the stamp of greatness as well as its essence..
Ink runs from the corners of my mouth. There is no happiness like mine. I have been eating poetry..
You have to learn to work and search, not expect instantly to find..
What is power without control?.
Time must be explicitly managed, like money..
Let us be French as the Americans are English..
I was never trained for anything.
I always say, what really makes a movie commercial is that it makes its money back..
Learning is the making of meaning..
The poet speaks adequately only when he speaks somewhat wildly... not with intellect alone, but with intellect inebriated by nectar..
A place where we all go can't be bad..
It's the ciiiiiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiife!" Iggy sang.