As I came to power peacefully, so shall I keep it..
You should never be so high and mighty you can't listen to somebody else and learn something from them. Leadership is as much about using the ear as ….
I painted sets before I ever performed..
It's great to represent things that are not represented..
We want to mentally be young, even if physically we're not..
I didn't have a life until I went up onstage..
Everything was always something but something – and here was the rub – could never be everything..
I just go with what excites me..
Money doesn't make u happy .. But happy makes you money..
I don't intentionally make deep movies..
He never knew when he was whipped ... So he never was..
How sweetly he came to her, she thought. Even with his bulk and power, he came to her...sweetly..
Only Once In Your Life.
Whatever your image is, it's probably not you, but it affords you the freedom to live up to it..
Fear can indeed be the beginning of wisdom..
It is always our objective to have close ties with the United States. We're at a transitional period of our history and we're on a road to reform..
I imagined it. I wrote it. But I guess I never thought I'd see it..
It's good to be in love..
John Hughes loved improvisers..
Perhaps... you love too fiercely..