Either you understand or you don't, and that is that..
When you cease from labour, fill up your time in reading, meditation, and prayer: and while your hands are labouring, let your heart be employed, as ….
My prayer today is to become more mindful of my personal actions. What motivates me to do what I do and to say the things I do to others? I often dis….
Do you know what religion is, Martin, my friend? -I can barely remember Lord's Prayer. -A beautiful and well-crafted prayer. Poetry aside, a religion….
A man must not stop listening any more than praying when he rises from his knees. No one questions the need of times of formal address to God, but fe….
Our prayers must not be efforts to bend God to our will but to yield ourselves to His..
When we get to the future, I'll decide the future..
Everybody, whether or not he puts the question vocally, wants to know whether life has any meaning, what his relation is to 'whatever gods there be,'….
Prayer is an end to isolation. It is living our daily life with someone; with him who alone can deliver us from solitude..
Prayer is essentially a process by which ideals are enabled to become operative in our lives. It may be more than this, but it is at least this..
'Friends' was a magical thing, and no one's going to ever have anything like that again..
We work to eat to get the strength to work to eat to get the strength to work..
I'm for prayer in schools..
Often in the morning I will sit in a favorite chair in my study with a cup of coffee, with classical music playing, not trying to form a prayer with ….
Leaders must be released from the idea that they must be great prayer warriors before they can begin to call others to prayer..
Pursuing prayer is prayer on a mission. It is diligent, fervent, constant, persevering, determined, and convinced..
Miracles happen. But prayer is needed! Prayer that is courageous, struggling and persevering, not prayer that is a mere formality..
Mankind have such a deep stake in inward illumination, that there is much to be said by the hermit or monk in defence of his life of thought and pray….
What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer..
I had always been heavily influenced by stand-up..