I think that our whole country needs to have more love and compassion for all children. All life is valuable and a gift from God. Pregnancy is not so….
Endings are like, I always say, like a women's pregnancy. When she has a child, she is happy to have the child, but there is a thing called postpartu….
All sorts of computer errors are now turning up. You'd be surprised to know the number of doctors who claim they are treating pregnant men..
What keeps you from... living your life as a painful and lovely day in the history of a great pregnancy?.
A pregnancy is a marvelous moment that I would love to repeat and repeat..
I don't really have any different cravings from the ones that I had before. I've always liked food that is not good for you, and I still do. But I th….
And my husband and I have been together for 10 years, so I guess people felt a part of it and it makes me feel really good.
If pregnancy were a book they would cut the last two chapters..
I think your body is just a little bit stronger after pregnancy..
Mercury emissions will continue to harm the environment and to endanger the health of children and pregnant women, until this Administration puts pub….
The news is what it is. It's going to be good, it's going to be positive, it's going to be negative. It's going to have all sorts of effects on candi….
Peanut butter and lamb chops were not foods that had ever been a significant part of our life before pregnancy. In fact, my wife almost never ate eit….
The urge for Chinese food is always unpredictable: famous for no occasion, standard fare for no holiday, and the constant as to demand is either whim….
I looked at a fetal development chart at the Operation Rescue Office in Dallas. I had a lot of emotions stirring up inside of me. That's when I decid….
It is the most powerful creation to have life growing inside of you. There is no bigger gift..
People expect all women to react the same to pregnancy. But anyone who's been around pregnant women knows that it's not all cutesy and sweet. You spa….
What manner of mind considers this holy estate [pregnancy] which women are privileged by the Almighty to attain as a slur upon the social conscience?.
I'm convinced that whatever state you're in during your pregnancy has a huge influence on the baby's personality - so I hope we haven't produced a li….
Because of their size, parents may be difficult to discipline properly..
Statistics show that a soldier's chances of survival in the front lines of combat are greater than the chances of an unborn child avoiding abortion. ….
We didn't do wrong things because we didn't want to embarrass our parents..