The strength you've insisted on assigning to others is actually within yourself..
Here we are now, entertain us..
Love can tame the wildest..
You don't take a picture, you make a picture..
The days passed, as they do, and life went on..
Donald Trump is the head of a global power..
I'm really not that confident!.
I don't like things that aren't true..
I've been on top longer and I am younger. I'm just better..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
I prefer true over happy now..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
Trying to conserve a privileged global position makes change traumatic for the US..
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
I am infinitely grateful to the life which privileged me..
I make movies for money, exclusively for money..
I feel really privileged to be an actor, to be paid to do something I love.
Photography is a distributive act leading to a privileged condition..
The rage of the oppressed is never the same as the rage of the privileged..
Compared to people in Africa, I think we've all had privileged upbringings..
How precious is the family as the privileged place for transmitting the faith..