You transfix me quite..
You can't reach your potential without haters..
I do voicework all the time..
Then why don't you go and ---- yourself..
Outward change comes after we change from within.
If you want to take down your opponent, you do it tactically, point by point..
We cannot enslave others without enslaving a part of ourselves..
You can’t live for God until you learn how to live because of God..
If this enormous pressure didn't exist, I wouldn't have been elected. It would have been one of the usual candidates..
I've never really liked L.A., because of its sprawl..
There's a lotta things about me you don't know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand. Things you sho….
Strength is for service, not status.
What cannot be imagined cannot even be talked about..
That's the best part. The how..
I utilize myself a lot more fully now. You get older so you have a lot more experience..
They did nothing wrong their time here has ended.
I loved history because to me, history was like watching a movie..
We cannot all be great, but we can always attach ourselves to something that is great..
It is time to finish off the U.S. once and for all..
Always say less than necessary..
Words are intermediary between thought and things. We express ourselves really not through words, which are only signs, but through what they signify….