I'm a chronic relapser. I guess I always will be..
Misbehave more beautifully; more often..
... on the right occasion a bold choice of opening can unnerve even the most steely opponent..
Everything possible to be believed is an image of truth." -Taleswapper.
The public is never wrong..
Such being the nature of mental life, the business of psychology is primarily to describe in detail the various forms which attention or conation ass….
I have no literary fears..
I have seen my mugshot..
Never live with someone that won the Heisman..
Tell them to send everything that can fly..
Le mot 'psychologie'est un de ceux qu'aucun auteur d'aujourd'hui ne peut entendre prononcer a' son sujet sans baisser les yeux et rougir. The word ….
For me, I've gotten better at that since I've gotten older. I never was good at that when I was younger..
I hope Mr. Obama has success..
You always catch the wrong players..
Instead of speaking saintly words we must act them..
You change the rules or you are going under..
Class I to XII wasn't much help; I was always a mediocre student. But when I pursued higher education and studied economics with theatre or psycholog….
We must not be anything other than what we are..
History is always repeating itself, but each time the price goes up..
Some fundamentalists go so far as to reject psychology as a disciplined study, which is unfortunate and polarizing. By definition, psychology is the ….
I was hedging my bets by the time I got to college. I was interested in drama and journalism and psychology..