... on the right occasion a bold choice of opening can unnerve even the most steely opponent..
Such being the nature of mental life, the business of psychology is primarily to describe in detail the various forms which attention or conation ass….
Le mot 'psychologie'est un de ceux qu'aucun auteur d'aujourd'hui ne peut entendre prononcer a' son sujet sans baisser les yeux et rougir. The word ….
You always catch the wrong players..
Class I to XII wasn't much help; I was always a mediocre student. But when I pursued higher education and studied economics with theatre or psycholog….
Some fundamentalists go so far as to reject psychology as a disciplined study, which is unfortunate and polarizing. By definition, psychology is the ….
I was hedging my bets by the time I got to college. I was interested in drama and journalism and psychology..
Both the Freudian and the Platonic metaphors emphasize the considerable independence of and tension among the constituent parts of the psyche, a poin….
If you can influence the leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway. But men ….
Anyone who claims to be intrigued by the "intellectual challenge of the markets" is not a trader. The markets are as intellectually challenging as a ….
Whether life is worth living depends on whether there is love in life..
One of the objectives of opening play is to try to surprise your opponent..
[R]eason is... given to us as a practical faculty, that is, as one that influences the will..
Any skills that I have, I couldn't really make money with them. I would like to think that maybe I would be doing something in psychology or somethin….
To do it nationally or internationally, you have to follow a few more rules..
I prefer things that are private, so I love recording and I love making films, as a filmmaker, because it uses every bit of what you have experienced….
The monstrous sameness and pervasive ugliness so highly characteristic of the findings of modern psychology, and contrasting so obviously with the en….
If I wasn't an actor, I would probably be writing or doing something with psychology..
Psychology is sometimes called a new science. This is quite wrong. Psychology is, perhaps, the oldest science, and, unfortunately, in its most essent….
I had a slightly inferior endgame that probably should have been drawn, but Kortchnoi kept torturing me with little threats until finally, exhausted ….
Sometimes players need to gain time on the clock by repeating the position, but most often its purpose is to wear down the opponent psychologically..