Everything I make starts very personally..
Words, however, are things..
For belligerent purposes, the 14th century, like the 20th, commanded a technology more sophisticated than the mental and moral capacity that guided i….
Everything is overflowing with Gods..
I will live to make myself not feared..
To gain victory over the flesh was the purpose of fasting and celibacy, which denied the pleasures of this world for the sake of reward in the next..
You love me?” … “Yes. More than life..
We can escape from everything, but not from ourselves..
The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise..
One of the things that fascinates me is the music of speech..
Every object and purpose of justice is effectually answered, and every supposed inconvenience is effectually rebutted by the law as it stands..
There's so much more purpose behind my getting up in the morning. Business is hard, really hard, but it's worth it..
Live constructively and live optimistically..
I don't do live things..
You're always allowed to be better..
Nobody is all good or all bad..
One's life has many compartments..
Traveling takes a lot out of you..
The purpose of art is mystery..
The Price Is Right can really get me going..
I shall participate, I shall contribute, and in so doing, I will be the gainer..