Whoever makes sujood to Allah properly, will never make sujood to the duniya..
My mouth was always my weapon. I've become quieter now. It's possible to put things very clearly, concisely and sharply, even when you do it quietly..
Liberals always exempt themselves from the rules that they impose on others..
Don't seek to be published, seek to be read..
Nobody can hear you read music..
All right," I managed to say, just before I crumpled to the floor. "Let's see what you've got..
I was cured all right..
We take what what we can get..
I love new questions..
Hitler was a teetotalitarian..
But what I do I do because I like to do..
I was always on my oddy knocky..
I am nobody but myself..
And I don't get down on nobody else for doing whatever else they do. To each his own..
Death: the grand perhaps..
I've been racketeered on..
What's it going to be then, eh?.
What so wild as words are?.
Only the bold get to the top..
I find more peace with you..
I go and see music all the time..