I don't just love her, she owns me. Completely. I'd do anything for her.
To have a future we have to live and leave the present..
I always knew I would adopt. Always..
You can find out how to do something and then do it or do something and then find out what you did..
Oh my God I am so cool..
What would Tyler Durden do?.
There will always be an underground..
The more things you own, the more they own you..
this is the upside of already being eternally damned.
I am nothing, and not even that..
Success feeds confidence..
I respect music, I do. I love it..
After that, work and hope. But never hope more than you work.
Africa is the future..
I'm not so weird to me..
I love, love, love women..
there are many Africas..
I work whenever I'm let..
Nothing sparkly can stay..
I thought a great line in the What Just Happened movie said, "We're just the mayonnaise.".
We cannot all be great, but we can always attach ourselves to something that is great..