Women are not men's equals in anything except responsibility. We are not their inferiors, either, or even their superiors. We are quite simply differ….
I'm African-American by my culture, not by my color. Race does not exist..
Most aspiring screenwriters simply don't spend enough time choosing their concept. It's by far the most common mistake I see in spec scripts. The wri….
As a black man, my hope is that I can touch more and more people all over the world of different races and different colours..
America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Musli….
Widespread violence now functions as part of an anti-immune system that turns the economy of genuine pleasure into a mode of sadism that creates the ….
The structures of neoliberal modernity do more than disinvest in young people and commodify them, they also transform the protected space of childhoo….
First generation Indian immigrants are mass guinea pigs. When a race that subsisted on plants for centuries subsists on a meat-dominated diet, it sca….
... let us unite, not in spite of our differences, but through them. For differences can never be wiped away, and life would be so much the poorer wi….
Im running in a race and people are on the other track, I'm running with myself.
Butler compared the tongues of these eternal talkers to race-horses, which go the faster the less weight they carry..
I am as conservative as anyone running in this [president's] race, but I am a conservative that can win. That's a big deal..
The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, ….
I could only wonder again at the white race's naïveté in always sending forth our worst members as our emissaries..
The act of writing for the slave constituted the act of creating a public, historical self, not only the self of the individual author but also the s….
Schools are not exam factories for the rat race..
At any given time, ninety-nine-point-nine-five per cent of the human race are a confounded nuisance.
[Donald] Trump won fair and square! He got 13.3 million votes. He won all over the country. He won when the race was crowded and when it was a one on….
Keep an eye on the weather, which is changing faster than predicted, and on the new diseases escaping or being made, even as we speak. It's a race be….
I never said I wasn’t Black… I want to make that very clear. I said, I am not African-American. I never expected my personal beliefs and comments to ….
I wound up auditioning, wound up getting in, and I was off to the races: I was putting in four more years after school to train to be an actor. I was….