Leadership is more doing than dash..
I utilize myself a lot more fully now. You get older so you have a lot more experience..
You throw your best punch, otherwise don't do it..
Everything is overflowing with Gods..
I just don't like being told what to do..
No one is truly dead until they are no longer loved..
Celebrity is intoxicating..
Life had sure been simpler when I hadn't dated..
I love to perform live..
You all have the potential to be what you wanna be..
Music has always been in me..
Off with their heads!.
You're afraid of your own anger..
The advent of the mobile phone was a disaster. We are forced to listen, open-mouthed, to other people's intimate conversations. Increasingly, we are ….
My education was an education by movies..
Perhaps... you love too fiercely..
John Hughes loved improvisers..
One cannot be a sorcerer all the time. How could one live?.
Change itself is neither good nor bad, but knowledge is always useful..
The great god Pan is dead..
I was emotionally and spiritually dried up, so I was just searching for God..