I can't honestly say where the inspiration for my work came from. I think it came from reading. It came from texts, from Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, it ….
Socialist ideology, like so many others, has two main dangers. One stems from confused and incomplete readings of foreign texts, and the other from t….
I also learned from reading the left-wing press about the [Franklin] Roosevelt administration's indirect support for Francisco Franco, which was not ….
The reading public isn't born that doesn't think foreigners are either funny or faintly sinister..
My teacher has a reading problem. He can't read my writing.
I have a lot of trouble with scripts. I have a lot of trouble imagining things while I'm reading them..
If you’re reading to find friends, you’re in deep trouble..
There's a different experience when you're reading a book rather than when you're seeing something on screen. When you're seeing a movie or TV show, ….
Restaurants, shows, night life, art exhibits, readings - New York is such a cultural epicenter, and while Jersey makes so much sense right now, I rea….
Some read books only with a view to find fault, while others read only to be taught; the former are like venomous spiders, extracting a poisonous qua….
When you broadcast your book reading voluntarily, it creates moments of fascinating serendipity..
I adore watching movies; movie marathons are my favorite pastime. I can watch up to five movies back to back. I also love music and like reading when….
To read a writer is for me not merely to get an idea of what he says, but to go off with him and travel in his company..
I would like the events never to be told directly by the author, but rather to be introduced (and several times, from various angles) by those among ….
Look at Mann's reading habits, his explicit comments on Nietzsche, and his copy of Birth of Tragedy, and it starts to seem doubtful that this work of….
I love reading people. I really enjoy watching, observing, and being able to figure out a person, the reason they wore that dress, the reason they sm….
When I took drum lessons as a kid the teacher would always ask me if I practiced, and I'd be like 'nope' and he'd be like: "Well you're not going to ….
Thus, words being symbols of ideas, we can collect ideas by collecting words. The fellow who said he tried reading the dictionary but couldn't get th….
Physically I'm tired at the end of the day and quite glad to be reading in bed by midnight.
Five to 10 years from now, if not sooner, the vast majority of 'The New Republic' readers are likely to be reading it on a tablet..
Do we look like thrill-seekers? Wasn't it enough that we had to put up that sign reading NO HABLA ESPANOL and acknowledge the existence of thirty per….