Next to praying there is nothing so important in practical religion as Bible-reading..
The human instinct for self-preservation is strong. I know, because mine pulls at me, too, like the needle on a compass. And everybody - I've been re….
Don't get me wrong, I love watching episodes of my favorite shows on Hulu and reading the daily trash on PageSix, but I also embrace the opportunity ….
Anybody who likes writing a book is an idiot. Because it's impossible; it's like having a homework assignment every stinking day until it's done. And….
When Cynthia smiles, said young Bingo, the skies are blue; the world takes on a roseate hue; birds in the garden trill and sing, and Joy is king of e….
These hurts I have are my fault but I'm sure gonna learn from it and hopefully anyone reading this will too. The lesson: stay aware on a bicycle and ….
I have been reading the Old Testament, a most bloodthirsty and perilous book for the young. Jehovah is beyond doubt the worst character in fiction..
As a man may be eating all day, and for want of digestion is never nourished, so these endless readers may cram themselves in vain with intellectual ….
A book is a part of life, a manifestation of life, just as much as a tree or a horse or a star. It obeys its own rhythms, its own laws, whether it be….
I've always been interested in the fragility of things, and with special urgency now because of climate change, but also because of the accidents of ….
Hard work makes easy reading or, at least, easier reading..
I didn’t want to tell the story of myself, but someone I called myself. If you read yourself as fiction, it’s rather more liberating than reading you….
Take Time Out. It's not a real vacation if you're reading email or calling in for messages..
When you're reading some of the great plays, when you do what I call "taking up with a writer," something happens..
Anthropology is separated from mass reading, and that is something that bothered Margaret Mead. She always said that she wrote everything for her gra….
Reading has given me more satisfaction than really anything else..
I do think poetry needs to invite the reader, especially when there are so many other distractions while reading..
I devoured books like a person taking vitamins, afraid that otherwise I would remain this gelatinous narcissist, with no possibility of ever becoming….
For such a long time, when you're a writer, you really are just writing for yourself, and maybe a few friends. So it's really amazing when your book ….
A high-ranking Syrian official in DC laughed when he heard I was reading Michel Aflaq and writing this book. He said, "Let me tell you something. The….
Reading gave me hope..