Orwell was dealing with communism and his disillusionment with communism in Russia and what he saw the communists do in Spain. His novel was a respon….
From Obama's book, "The Audacity of Hope:" "I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on….
When I went to high school in Australia, I was exposed to textbooks that outlined evolutionary ideas - such as ape-like creatures turning into people….
Reading is one of the most individual things that happens. So every reader is going to read a piece in a slightly different way, sometimes a radicall….
Well, after all, this is the age of the disposable tissue. Blow your nose on a person, wad them, flush them away, reach for another, blow, wad, flush….
The plain fact is religion must die for mankind to live. The hour is getting very late to be able to indulge in having key deciscions made by religio….
I get hundreds of emails daily and a lot of feedback from people that are reading or have read my books. When I'm writing, or in my daily life, I jus….
It distresses me that parents insist that their children read or make them read. I think the best way for children to treasure reading is for them to….
You don't have to signal a social conscience by looking like a frump. Lace knickers won't hasten the holocaust, you can ban the bomb in a feather boa….
Reading ... changes you. You aren't the same person after you've read a particular book as you were before, and you will read the next book, unless b….
Read a lot. Reading really helps. Read anything you can get your hands on..
If there is any one truth from the legacy of the Cayce readings, it would be that there is a spiritual dimension to humans, something beyond time and….
Repeat reading for me shares a few things with hot-water bottles and thumbsucking: comfort, familiarity, the recurrence of the expected..
Storytelling is my passion, and it rises from a love of reading..
I started to send my work to journals when I was 26, which was just a question of when I got the courage up. They were mostly journals I had been rea….
Reading is that fruitful miracle of a communication in the midst of solitude..
I didn't want to teach my kid how to read, so I used to read to him at night and close the book at the most interesting part. He said, “What happene….
I started reading Hunter S. Thompson when I was in college..
Some people can't learn to play the guitar by reading a book. You have to actually try to manage a bit and you won't do well at first..
That abominable and sensual act called reading the newspaper, thanks to which all the misfortunes and cataclysms in the universe over the last twenty….
If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking..