I remember reading these articles when I was younger, and I just felt like, well, in order to look like that, you have to have some secret, magical u….
There are companies like Facebook that wield tremendous power over how Americans understand the world. Do they have a social responsibility now? That….
Our legal and political culture has created a bias in the law that borders on censorship against reading, displaying, or quoting the Bible..
A fondness for reading changes the inevitable dull hours of our life into exquisite hours of delight..
Recently I began reading my old diaries. Back to before the war. Gradually I became very depressed. The reason for that is probably that I wrote only….
Love of reading enables a man to exchange the weary hours, which come to every one, for hours of delight..
When I read, I'm either reading to learn, or I'm reading to switch off..
If you want to have a creative culture, you can't get it by reading books. You get it by example..
All prizes have a role, if they are run with integrity and with a clear focus on reading and quality writing. I don't think any of them is necessary,….
The clerical work is par for the course. "Keep on file in numerical order" means throw in wastebasket. You'll soon learn the language. "Let it be a c….
The truth is that every true admirer of the novels cherishes the happy thought that he alone - reading between the lines - has bcome the secret frien….
I had TB as a child. So I was put to doing things like drawing and reading. And I was raised in a family where manners were important. Maybe that's w….
During really difficult times in my life when I start questioning why I am struggling with something, I often turn to books to understand myself bett….
I did indulge myself in a lot of history reading, to inform myself as to who the real woman was. As far as other actresses’ portrayals, though, I tri….
Reading well makes children more interesting both to themselves and others, a process in which they will develop a sense of being separate and distin….
If you are resolutely determined to make a lawyer of yourself, the thing is more than half done already. It is but a small matter whether you read wi….
The research reading I did for Fascination and Liberation included some Jung, and I noticed that he had a similar impression of Buddhism to myself, t….
The reading eye must do the work to make them live, and so it did, again and again, never the same life twice, as the artist had intended..
When it came time to be a professional rapper, I wouldn't sign anything without reading it. There was no way I was going to have people make decision….
The art and passion of reading well and deeply is waning, but [Jane] Austen still inspires people to become fanatical readers..
There is hardly any grief that an hour's reading will not dissipate..