I just can't imagine my life without Dostoevsky and The Brothers Karamazov. I can spin off of that and talk about Crime and Punishment and Tolstoy. I….
I am not collecting copies of the cheaper editions of Omar Khayyám. I gave the last four that I received to the lift-boy, and I like to think of him ….
I am so convinced of the advantages of looking at mankind instead of reading about them, . . . that I think there should be a law amongst us to set o….
People have been reading photography as a true document, at the same time they are now getting suspicious. I am basically an honest person, so I let ….
Reading is a huge effort for many people, a bore for others, and, believe it or not, many people prefer watching TV..
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge..
It was the books I started reading. It was the music I started listening to. It was the television I started watching. I found myself thinking again.….
About a year ago I got really exhausted from reading bad scripts and I know that I am a writer and that I have stories to tell, so I thought, 'Let's ….
Sometimes I wish the public were equally aware of the men of our race in the cultural fields. You, for instance, have you ever bought a book by a Neg….
I don't read young adult or children's books, now that my grandchildren are beyond the age of my reading to them. I read reviews, and so I'm aware of….
Give me a thrill, says the reader, Give me a kick; I don't care how you succeed, or What subject you pick..
Continue reading Proust. His magnificent intelligence is particularly fond of describing stupidity. Which is ultimately exhausting..
It didn't help matters that I was shy and wore glasses. I was never one to stand out in the crowd. I liked to stay in corners. And I was happiest whe….
Amidst the flood of dangerous reading, I plead for my Master's book; I call upon you not to forget the book of the soul. Do not let newspapers, novel….
Remember, the firemen are rarely necessary. The public itself stopped reading of its own accord..
I spend most of my time reading non-fiction of all sorts. Then poetry. Then fiction to blurb. Then fiction I want to read..
Beyond that, I seem to be compelled to write science fiction, rather than fantasy or mysteries or some other genre more likely to climb onto bestsell….
There is a temperate zone in the mind, between luxurious indolence and exacting work; and it is to this region, just between laziness and labor, that….
I, personally, have found reading a continual support to writing..
I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me..
The elasticity of imagination and compassion is what writing and reading promote..