In bed at night, I could be reading some book, and I'll come across a sentence that's totally unrelated to some scene I did years ago. But I'll play ….
A word after a word after a word is power..
It should be possible to exist with only a short shelf of books, to read and give away. After all - we may not open a book, once read, for ten years ….
I started reading SF when I was about twelve and I read all I could, so any author who was writing about that time, I read. But there's no doubt who ….
You asked if I thought my fiction had changed anything in the culture and the answer is no. Sure, there's been some scandal, but people are scandaliz….
Books showed me there were possibilities in life, that there were actually people like me living in a world I could not only aspire to but attain. Re….
Books, I don't know what you see in them. I can understand a person reading them, but I can't for the life of me see why people have to write them..
I have not read far in the statutes of this Commonwealth. It is not profitable reading. They do not always say what is true; and they do not always m….
We may be sure that the characteristic blindness of the twentieth century [...] lies where we have never suspected it [...] The only palliative is [.….
The only palliative is to keep the clean sea breeze of the centuries blowing through our minds, and this can be done only by reading old books..
Criminal cases receive the attention of the press. The cruel and disagreeable things of life are more apt to get the newspaper space than the pleasan….
Reading is something I've really missed, not being able to enter people's worlds..
I loved 1930's women's pictures'films by Josef Von Sternberg or William Wyler. So, I fashioned a style out of that. The integrity and ethos of what I….
If a carpenter makes a chair that's comfortable for the person who's going to sit in it, he's done his job. If a train engineer gets a train in on ti….
We are born and we die; and between these two most important events in our lives more or less time elapses which we have to waste somehow or other. I….
All the reading she had done had given her a view of life that they had never seen..
Going back to why people don't vote, I presume the main reason is because they understand without reading political science texts that it doesn't mak….
Reading [John] Calvin is a breath of fresh air..
The Bible does not thrill; the Bible nourishes. Give time to the reading of the Bible and the recreating effect is as real as that of fresh air physi….
You should always believe what you read in the newspapers, for that makes them more interesting..
Read as much as you possibly can. Nothing will help you as much as reading..