It's not just about being small, it's about doing more with less..
There's not a word in the Quran or the Hadith that requires that women cover their faces. To the contrary, the only requirement is that they uncover ….
You should never be so high and mighty you can't listen to somebody else and learn something from them. Leadership is as much about using the ear as ….
David Wong is like a mash-up of Douglas Adams and Stephen King . . . ‘page-turner’ is an understatement..
...she refused to leave anything to someone else that she could do better herself..
In nature there is no such thing as waste. In nature nothing is wasted; everything is recycled..
Dilettantism is the sort of thing one must avoid..
You are much happier when you are happy than when you ain't..
I won't make a movie for money ever again..
Ronaldinho did things that I've never seen anyone do..
You get used to seeing certain things, and if you don't find a new way to talk about it, then frankly at some point you need to get out of the way..
Everything constantly changes..
I've seen things, and that's almost the same as doing them..
Don't take things too seriously..
Only describe, don't explain..
There's no other like Leo..
I have those days where I'm PMSing and bloated..
I love what I do for a living..
Every thing is changing every minute..
I ain't got much education, but I got some sense..
Never do yourself, what you can con professionals into doing for you..