You cannot predict the future, but you can create it..
God has always been the head of my life, even before I knew it..
Vegtables, what food eats before it becomes food..
I started to earn money because we didn't have money..
Life begins when we decide it's going to begin for us..
We don't eat anything that has to be killed for us..
You don't have to be afraid because we're all the same.
It changes you for ever, but you are changing for ever anyway..
How can you hide from what never goes away? --Heraclitus.
Fear - there's always fear. You re-create yourself in every movie, don't you?.
I am Not The Best, But I Have The Potential To Be Something Great..
There you are, sir. There's nothing more than to love and be loved..
I don’t like to do negatives. There are always pluses to things..
I read, therefore I'm interested in writers..
I love to be challenged because I'm wrong a lot of the times..
The law change during the Bush administration gave the Department of Health and Human Services a central role in relocating Central American minors i….
When asked what the stock market will do: It will fluctuate..
I began learning the sportswriting business very early in life..
the more you live the more things reflect all around you!!!!.
It is always dullest before the yawn..
I'm not God, don't intend to be and hope I never have that much power..