The church hates a thinker precisely for the same reason a robber dislikes a sheriff, or a thief despises the prosecuting witness..
How can you tell when a political ideology has become the equivalent of a religion?.
Too much doubt is better than too much credulity..
I utilize myself a lot more fully now. You get older so you have a lot more experience..
The gods are cruel not because they make us work. They are cruel because they allow us to hope..
And nobody had told them that they were short on time..
During the Middle Ages there were all kinds of crazy ideas, such as that a piece of rhinoceros horn would increase potency. Then a method was discov….
The tavern will compare favorably with the church. The church is the place where prayers and sermons are delivered, but the tavernis where they are t….
There's nothing I won't attempt..
Everyone thought I had everything. I had nothing..
God so loved the world that he made up his mind to damn a large majority of the human race..
There are a lot of very brilliant scholars who believe the reason we have incomplete science on evolution is that there is a higher power involved in….
You have to take everything as it comes..
Don't do nothing because you can't do everything. Do something!.
We who are atheists are also a-fairyists, a-teapotists, and a-unicornists, but we don't have to bother saying so..
Trouble is here. It is for a purpose. Use it for the purpose for which it was intended - to help you grow. Thank God for your troubles..
Evangelical Christianity, as everyone knows, is founded upon hate, as the Christianity of Christ was founded upon love..
I am not advocating a morality based on evolution..
If you ignore every single thing Jesus told you to do, you are just auditing. You're not a Christian..
Science, philosophy and religion are bound to converge as they draw nearer to the whole..
I don't go where I'm tolerated. I go where I'm celebrated..