I think if we are actually going to accept our generation's responsibility, that's going to mean that we give our children no less retirement securit….
If you understand our salary cap, you have to be logical. If Barry Sanders , for instance, came out of retirement, if we were interested we probably ….
What's the big deal about still working? Retirement age is sixty-five, and that's at a normal job - and I ain't there yet..
In 1890, nearly everyone died on the job, and if they lived long enough not to die on the job, the average age of retirement was 85..
The retirement financial crisis will affect far more people than baby boomers, and certainly it will affect their children. Most of the retirees and ….
The revival of consumers saving their money for retirement - rather than expecting their homes to provide the cushion - added with 'move down' buyers….
Let me be clear, the discussions about Social Security are not about the retirement security of those Americans who are 55 or older - the Social Secu….
It would give me a terrific sense of satisfaction to be the man who sent both Eubank and Benn into retirement. Benn doesn't need me to tell him that ….
In my retirement I go for a short swim at least once or twice every day. It's either that or buy a new golf ball..
Planning to play: that's what saving for retirement is today - and it is antithetical to the nature of play, fully within the definition of work, and….
I'm an unemployed teacher right now and I'm looking for a place to teach..
Listen to presences inside poems..
The strength you've insisted on assigning to others is actually within yourself..
Here we are now, entertain us..
For all their scare tactics, President Obama and Democrats have no plan whatsoever to preserve Medicare for future generations - or protect it for to….
Retirement can and will be a glorious time in your life. You'll love the freedom and ability to try new things. It's a new phase of life; a chance to….
Should it be prohibited for private entities such as a church, bed and breakfast or retirement neighborhood that doesn't want noisy children? Absolut….
Love can tame the wildest..
It's amazing, it doesn't feel like it has been 10 years since retirement..
I don't believe in retirement..
You don't take a picture, you make a picture..