Modesty and dew love the shade..
I don't want people losing respect for me as a player. I want to go out in every game and perform to the highest level. I have no retirement plans. I….
Soon numbers of Chinese people will exit the work force, and the Chinese work force, which has already begun to shrink, will shrink in a vastly accel….
Since her retirement from teaching Miss Beryl's health had in many respects greatly improved, despite her advancing years. An eighth-grade classroom ….
The more I hung out with detective squads, the more there was always one guy or two guys or a woman who had a case that they were the primary on year….
Retirement is not in my vocabulary. They aren't going to get rid of me that way..
The Band was always famous for its retirements we'd go and play and get a little petty cash together, and then not see each other till it was time to….
As Mayor, I have a responsibility to ensure city government is making life better for all Angelenos, especially those whose past hard work laid the f….
I haven't had the time to say, 'I'm retiring.' But baseball says, 'You're retired.'.
The only way to save Social Security is to raise the retirement age..
Everyone's lost a lot of money on their 401k plans. I've heard some people calling them 201k plans. So it's even more important to get people to be s….
Retirement savings is probably behavioral economists' greatest success story. It is a prototypical behavioral-economics problem because saving for re….
What do gardeners do when they retire?.
In order to fix Social Security, we must restructure it so that we continue to provide for our Nation's seniors that are approaching retirement age, ….
Of course, I'm sour that if (retirement) happens, I didn't get to quit on my own terms..
There is San Diego - this retirement village, with its prim petticoat, that doesn't want to get too near the water. San Diego worries about all the t….
Retirement is not a dirty word, I am just enjoying what I am doing. If they want me to retire, then stop asking me. Ask and I will say yes unless it ….
I'm not afraid of retirement. Retirement sounds like a blast..
Many seniors understand that Social Security is social insurance as opposed to a program where we put money aside for our own retirement. But most el….
Personal savings accounts to me are one of the most powerful things, not necessarily in saving, solvency, or bankruptcy of the program, but in guaran….
Life's opportunities never end. God designed you to be a continual learner, a continual doer, a continual explorer and a continual giver. He never au….