I'm really not that confident!.
I don't like things that aren't true..
The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is God's "I Will" to every seeker for full salvation of spirit, soul and body..
Revelation and the nature of truth must be viewed in reference to the structure of language..
I've been on top longer and I am younger. I'm just better..
To know who you are without any delusions or sympathy is a moment of revelation that no one experiences unscathed..
A true work of art can stand many seeings, revealing anew at each seeing..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
I prefer true over happy now..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
All that I have to offer as an artist is the revelation of my soul.
an artist is always seeking revelation..
God's grace and revelation are the monopoly of no race or nation..
What can go wrong will go wrong..
The Great War was a progressive revelation and disillusionment..
There is no such thing as a self-cleaning oven..
Secrecy involves a tension which, at the moment of revelation, finds its release..
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
The Bible is God's declaratory revelation to man containing the great truths about God, about man, about history, about salvation, and about prophecy….
Each person is oriented toward a quest for his personal invisible guide, or . . . he entrusts himself to the collective, magisterial authority as the….
I've lived my life again just telling it to you..