The American people cannot close their eyes to abuses of human rights and injustice, whether they occur among friend or adversary or even on our own ….
The headiest loves were the loves that couldn't be..
A state that denies its citizens their basic rights becomes a danger to its neighbors as well: internal arbitrary rule will be reflected in arbitrary….
The new celebrity thing is going to take some time to get used to because I really am not used to that!.
A suppressing person isn't critical. A suppressing person is a person who denies the rights of others..
The love of every single one of my lives..
Travel is not about money, it's about courage..
It sounds very simple, but the truth is most people don't give themselves the opportunity to do what they really want to do, because they feel trappe….
A nuclear-weapons armed Iran is not in anyone's human-rights interests. That is a direct threat to the lives and the livelihoods and the stability no….
Magick is not something you do, magick is something you are.
We could have had it all....
Lyrically, I feel like there are things I always go back to, having to do with relationships..
In the beginning was the image..
A single conversation can change things..
We are close to a consensus that the Kyoto Protocol does huge economic, political, social and ecological damage to the Russian Federation. In additio….
Electing Sudan to the UN body mandated to promote and protect human rights worldwide is like putting Jack the Ripper in charge of a women's shelter..
We work to eat to get the strength to work to eat to get the strength to work..
The way some were entrapped into lives of prostitution, the way that something like marriage could rob them of their rights..
The quieter we become, the more we can hear..
I'm a micro-celebrity, about as small a celebrity as you can be..
To understand something is to be delivered of it..