Your life isn't out of control. It's expanded..
Family' is not just a biological word, it's an an operative one..
I am mentally bifocal..
You cannot conceive the many without the one..
The less inhibited you are the better..
We never are definitely right, we can only be sure we are wrong..
I preferred to read than talk with the others..
I am, of course, a frustrated rock star - I'd much rather be a rock star than a writer. Or own a record shop. Still, it's not a bad life, is it? You ….
Every intentional act is a magical act..
For the most part, I'm extremely thankful for the life I have and what I get to do in the future..
Can we all just stop being dicks?!.
I do like to be surprised..
We only have so much time.... Time will kill you it really will..
Prepare yourself to be employable..
Bad beginnings, bad endings..
I'm definitely someone that's private. I've never been interested in celebrity..
I'm in love and I'm happy. Don't you see it?.
The future isn't a place that we're going to go, it's a place that you get to create..
For every one of our failures, we had spreadsheets that looked awesome.
We do what we are and we are what we do..
You can make something out of nothing..