Dont let your fear paralyze you. Prepare yourself not only technically, but also emotionally..
Rock 'n' roll was two pegs below being a prisoner of war back then..
We were all Romans once, I guess..
Hollywood's racist. Hollywood is sorority racist. It's like - we like you, Rhonda, but you're not a Kappa..
When you sit down and think about what rock 'n' roll music really is, then you have to change that question. Played up-tempo, you call it rock 'n' ro….
I am everyone I have ever loved..
When you observe rather than react, you reclaim your power..
...she refused to leave anything to someone else that she could do better herself..
Do I Stank or was it already Stanky in Here?.
They're not just interested in one sort of music any more..
Genitive is a funny word because it means "from," but it also is the gender in European languages for objects: the masculine, feminine, and neuter. S….
When we play on big stages, we tend to beef off the dance side of things and keep up the tempo..
If you're smiling , you're happy out..
Whatever you wear, you have to own it. Make it yours..
The success I've achieved comes to me from God.
A thing is never seen as it really is..
To be worshiped is not freedom..
I have nothing to say. And I am saying it. That's poetry..
When you love what you do, you can work all the time..
Disinformation is most effective in a very narrow context..
I don't enter, I'm entered. It's up to someone else. It's up to them..