I am not what one calls a celebrity..
Sales fixes everything..
I like it when I strut..
The knock-out punch is always the one you never see coming..
The worse they are the more they see beauty in each other..
If you become a star known for one thing, that becomes your thing, and you don't want that, on some DNA level..
I was stained by failure..
Everyone always says more than they're supposed to..
Everyone is the other and no one is himself..
Everyone has a right to rest so as not to injure themselves..
Compete with yourself, not with others..
I'm just someone who observes a lot..
I totally understand OJ. I get it..
My success wasn't based on how I could push down everybody that was around me. My success was based on how much I could push everybody up..
I'm more famous now than when I was famous..
Tell me that not everything I wrote was bad..
You fell in love with me?.
Meaning is socially, historically, and rhetorically constructed..
You owe it to yourself to live beautifully. And I am..
Every single one of you, before you get off the pile, affect the head. Early, affect the head. Continue, touch and hit the head..
Love doesn't attack; it infiltrates..