Nothing is true and everything is permitted..
It's time for me to go. But I would rather stay..
I would have to find something else to bury here and I wished it could be Charles..
Friendship is the start for what you call love..
Upward, not Northward.
I just wanna do my music..
We are the other of the other.
Nobody tells me f-k all!.
He has carried every point, who has combined that which is useful with that which is agreeable..
Dance like nobody's watching..
What can go wrong will go wrong..
He is praised by some, blamed by others..
Here, or nowhere, is the thing we seek..
No one is content with his own lot..
Learned or unlearned we all must be scribbling..
Money amassed either serves us or rules us..
Much is wanting to those who seek or covet much..
But let the good prevail..
Nothing is worth doing pointlessly..
But that which is useful is the better..
Our wills are ours, to make them Thine..